Quarter Century Club Application

This year’s convention marks the 43rd Quarter Century Club Breakfast, honoring both 25-year and 50-year veterans in the battery industry.

Individuals who have been actively involved in the battery industry for 25 years or more, are BCI members, and have not already been inducted into the BCI Quarter Century Club, are urged to notify BCI Headquarters.

New members receive an attractive Quarter Century Club lapel pin at the breakfast honoring their service to the battery industry. All members of the Quarter Century Club, new and old, are invited to attend the traditional breakfast meeting which will be held at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa from 7:00 to 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning, April 24, 2024.

If you, or someone you know, qualifies and is not already a member of the prestigious group, please fill in the form below, or print and return it by email or mail to:


Battery Council International
2001 K Street, NW, 3rd Floor North
Washington, DC 20006

Applications are encouraged to be received in advance for print material by March 22, 2024.


"*" indicates required fields

Alan French from QTS Data Centers

Data is critical. Data is growing at a rapid rate, and energy storage [and] battery backup systems are key in keeping our data centers available.

Alan French, Vice President of Engineering, QTS Data Centers